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pure interface of class net.sf.pizzacompiler.util.Hashtable<A, B>

The documentated page.
public class Hashtable<A, B>
  extends Dictionary<A, B>
  implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
    private static class EntryList<A, B>
    private static class NullEntryList<A, B>
      extends EntryList<A, B>
    public Hashtable(int initialCapacity,
                     float loadFactor);
    public Hashtable(int initialCapacity);
    public Hashtable();
    public int size();
    public boolean isEmpty();
    public synchronized Enumeration<A> keys();
    public synchronized Enumeration<B> elements();
    public synchronized boolean contains(B value);
    public synchronized boolean containsKey(A key);
    public synchronized B get(A key);
    protected void rehash();
    public synchronized B put(A key,
                              B value);
    public synchronized B remove(A key);
    public synchronized void clear();
    public synchronized Object clone();
    public synchronized String toString();
    private class KeyEnumeration<A, B>
      implements Enumeration<A>
    private class ValueEnumeration<A, B>
      implements Enumeration<A>

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